Privacy Policy

Confidentiality.  I agree to preserve the sanctity and safety of any group coaching process in which I participate by maintaining the confidentiality of all information communicated by other coaching clients during group coaching sessions.  I agree not to disclose any teleconference bridge numbers or other access codes to any third party.  To provide me with the highest quality of service, I understand that my coach may discuss and receive coaching on certain topics anonymously and hypothetically with other coaches within the Life Force Coaching Group.  

 I agree to confidentiality with respect to all information communicated by both the Company, and Authorized Coach and the other coaching clients during group coaching sessions, and acknowledge that any breach of this confidentiality may cause irreparable harm to the other coaching clients and the Company and that any such breach would be material. Except as and to the extent required by law I will not disclose information in conflict with this Confidentiality clause.